dumb thoughts-i guess that's what you could call em!
just been thinking lately again. alllll about religion!
isn't that crazy?
yeah. i know....
so! i've been thinkin!
why is religion soooo important to people? why do they think that if they are some CERTAIN type of religion it's like a gate way to heaven? isn't the interpreting God's judgment? everyone in each religion whether they realize it or not thinks that they are in the RIGHT place! and they are going to heaven because...well...God knows that we are really holy and we believe all the RIGHT things about Him. and we do alllll the right little traditions because that's what God cares about...i'm shurr....
look at allllll the religions for ONE second...k?
MOST of them have the same general ideas.
so why is being in the "correct" religion so important to people? when most of us believe the same general stuff? it's sorta stupid of us. we set up allllll these different religions which are all based off of the same general beliefs...we must look pretty damn stupid to God.
If God is soooo forgiving...then why does it matter which one were in? i really don't think He cares.
all He wants is to be trusted in and given a little THANKS for alllllll the life blessings He's given us. church is so that we can have a relationship with Him, so we CAN give Him some thankin n' such.
i dunno.
i think it's stupid that there are like 5,000,000,000 different religions in this world. and none of them are really the "perfect" one, because there is no such thing as perfection in this world. God is perfection, and we can't be God.
just a thought.
p.s. If atheists don't believe in God then they obviously think He exists because if He didn't they wouldn't have anything NOT to believe in.....duhhhh.