nothin serious

this blog is all about my life and thoughts...pretty personal but definitely not as personal as it could get. :]

Thursday, April 17, 2008

bad. good....idunno.

bleh...thinking takes over me all the time! and it drives me nuts.

i'm just thinking about our emotions as people. why they are so different and why they effect people so much.
what ever.

i really don't know what to write about right now.
i just feel pretty lost and confused and scattered all over the place.
i'm just another broken person trying to fix other broken people because they come to me for help...
it's so hard to fake it sometimes.
to hold back on being depressed and crying.
i am relied on so greatly sometimes. it's insane.
i don't like it.
but i love everyone around me.
they are amazing people.
and they don't realize how much they actually have going for them.
people automatically look for the BAD in things.
when there is so much GOOD to everything.
but it's so often over looked....:[

poor's replaced by the BAD....tear.

well i dunno.
i kinda just felt like typing about nonsense like always.

i shall go.
i'm tired.




Blogger Steve Robinson said...

Welcome to the life of a Robinson.
Now, go fix someone.

Thursday, April 17, 2008 5:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps God has put people that need you into your life, because He knows that you need them as much as they need you; because He knows that your helping them makes you stronger and keeps you holding on when you would otherwise be tempted to let go. I'm pretty sure He does that sometimes-He knows our needs better than we do.

Sunday, April 20, 2008 7:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another perspective to add to the mix... Fixing our own broken self is the first and best way to be of help to others. The body is made of many parts, and as each one is healed the whole body becomes healthy. Be careful not to neglect your own healing for the sake of another's, even if it seems like the selfless thing to do. Neither of you is helped by that.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 11:47:00 AM  

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