questions without answers
In this life we all need patience; it's key to getting along in this life. I've thought about this a lot
actually[[what we need most of]] and it really is patience. To be able to get through daily activities we need it. I wouldn't be able to get through a simple activity such as...taking a shower in the morning if i didn't have the gift of patience. I know that to conquer sin i need to first conquer my pride...but to conquer my pride i need patience. right?!
weird stuff.
Anyways, I'm not sure why i am here writing any of these words but it's what i like to do and so i'm going to do it. I wish i could actually write something with deep meaning, well that i would want to share with you guys. Because, trust me, i got some deep writings in my journal upstairs. But I can't bring myself to share that kind of thing with you guys.
I was thinking the other day about the way all of us are, the way we can't trust each other anymore to even be told the truth. I can understand the times when the truth is difficult to tell someone, such as: telling your parents you're pregnant or you've been doing drugs or telling a significant other that you're cheating on them. THAT'S THE DIFFICULT TRUTH. but just being HONEST with each other is something we all have problems with day to day. But why? Why can't we just be honest with each other and not be rude about things and talk about each other? Why is it that if you give a stranger a smile or a hug that you're considered weird? or that if you decide to talk to some kid at a table by themselves that you're put down for talking to an "outkast" or just simply saying hi to them? What's wrong with that? Why do people put you down for saying the things you wonder about or think about even though youre not the only one with these thoughts? Why are there different "types" of people when really if you ask two different people a question such as "what's your favorite color?" their answers will most likely be the same. Why does it matter what our mistakes or mess ups are when really it doesn't define the kind of person you are on the inside. Why do we have to blame others for other people's problems or our own problems? why can't we just accept that it's our OWN FAULT that we made a mistake?
I shouldn't have to be asking these questions.